St Thomas' C of E Primary School

St Thomas' C of E Primary School

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Welcome to St Thomas' C of E Primary School

Consultation on Proposed Academy

The school’s governing body has decided that they wish to explore converting to an academy and, in particular, joining Chester Diocesan Academies Trust (CDAT). The academy consultation letter, frequently asked questions (FAQs), feedback form and information about CDAT can be found below.

 St Thomas' CofE Primary - Academy Consultation Questions & Answers - July 2023.pdfDownload
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 St Thomas' CofE Parents & Carers Consultation Letter - 20.06.23.pdfDownload
 St Thomas' CofE Feedback Form - 20.06.23.docxDownload
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Welcome to our website and thank you for taking the time to find us!


St Thomas’ is a Voluntary Controlled school that caters for children aged from 3 years old to 11 years old.


Our vision “Believe to Achieve” reflects our collective attitude towards developing ourselves, our community and our aspirations.


Our 7 values are Respect, Faith, Independence, Friendship, Challenge, Empathy and Resilience. These values support and enhance our vision ensuring that they contribute to both our personal well-being and development of all within our school and community.


We believe in the development of the whole child at our school. All subjects are important in our development and so every child learns from a broad, interesting and well-balanced curriculum. We deliver a Narrative Immersion approach to the curriculum, which inspires the children to want more from their lives and achieve higher than they might hope. The curriculum enables the children to develop deep knowledge and understanding appropriate to their level of development. It is a clear, concise and progressive curriculum, which empowers all children to learn for life. 


Our children all belong to 6 different school houses, which are based on young inspirational role models. It is a huge motivating factor for our children to see who they could become through the eyes of someone who has achieved greatness in our world. It also encourages opportunities for team work in working alongside other children across school.


Our children play a key role in being given responsibilities as young leaders. We have a variety of responsibilities such as School Council, Eco Council, Mini-Mentors, Digital Leaders and Playleaders. These responsibilities are decided during our Election Week at the start of each school year. 


Our curriculum is enhanced and supported by highly skilled PE specialist teachers in dance, gymnastics and outdoor games. 


Equality and inclusivity are at the heart of all we aim to achieve. This is evident in our relationships with one another and through our learning. Our nurturing, caring and inclusive environment really is the best place for your child to begin their life long learning journey.


St Thomas’ really does offer something unique and amazing. If you value positivity, kindness, relationships and acceptance of everyone then our school really is the school for you.


Take some time to explore our website, arrange a visit to come and see for yourself and ask other parents in our local community to support your decision.


I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your children thrive at our school. 


Kind regards

Paul Sanchez


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