Parent Pay
At St. Thomas' we use an online cashless payments system called 'Parent Pay'.
What is Parent Pay Used for?
Via Parent Pay you can manage your child's school meals, view menus and check dietary and nutritional information. View upcoming trips and give consent, purchase school uniform and make payments for other school activities and events including breakfast club and Nursery fees (if applicable).
Activating your account
You will receive your child's unique activation details from school. Once you have received your account details please log in to activate your account at If you have not yet received you account details or you are having difficulty activating your account please contact the school office.
Parent Pay Login
You can log in to your Parent Pay account at For easy access if you would like to use Parent Pay on your smart phone, you can bookmark the login page to your home screen.
Payment methods via Parent Pay
When making an online payment via Parent Pay there are 3 different payment options, they are as follow:
1. Bank Transfer - This method uses a direct debit mandate, it can take up to 3 - 10 working days for payments to clear. If you make multiple payments via parent pay it will group all payments together and only take one amount from your bank account rather than several payments for individual items. Please note that where the bank transfer method is used to make a payment for certain items such as uniform, we will be unable to give out the items until the payment has cleared. This can take up to 10 working days. Please make sure there are enough funds in your account as this can cause a failed payment.
2. Visa Payment - If using a visa card you can use this method to make an ‘instant’ payment. You can select for your bank details to be remembered to make it quicker and easier next time you make a payment.
3. Other payment method - If you are using a different card that is not a Visa card e.g. MasterCard to make an ‘instant’ payment you should use this payment method.
To make an ‘instant’ payment using either the Visa payment (2) or other payment method (3) you must select the item you wish to make a payment for and save it to your basket. Once all items have been selected, view your basket and continue to payments. There you will have the to option to pay by Visa or other payment method. (Please note this is the preferred payment method when purchasing uniform).
If you are unable to make online payments by card, a Pay Point barcode can be issued. This can then be taken into any convenience store or supermarket where the PayPoint logo is displayed, and payment can be made. Please speak to Miss Evans, Miss Kaye or Miss Wilde for more information if you feel this payment method would be suitable for you.