St Thomas' C of E Primary School

St Thomas' C of E Primary School

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English as an Additional Language (EAL)

English as an Additional Language (EAL) at St. Thomas'

All pupils need to feel safe, accepted and valued in order to learn. For pupils who are learning English as an additional language, this includes recognising and valuing their home language and background. As a school, we are aware that bilingualism is a strength and that EAL pupils have a valuable contribution to make. We  support all children with English as an additional language and promote  language awareness in all subjects. 

As parents, you should feel comfortable speaking to your children in the language they feel most confident with. Here are some ways you can help your children to develop speaking skills at home.

Real Life Situations (to provide rich learning opportunities)

  • Mathematics: counting money during shopping trips/ working out the change, calculating, measuring e.g. when cooking/ baking recipes, measuring walls if renovating, measuring lengths of new curtains etc.
  • Science: noticing the changes of state during cooking such as melting, reversible/ irreversible changes, mixing, combining.
  • Reading: reading together any language stories, letters, newspapers, pamphlets, road signs etc.
  • Writing: for real purposes e.g. letters to relatives/ friends in other places, creating a treasure hunt with clues. (Writing can be in any language your child feels most confident with)
  • Listening: listening to audio books can be a valuable way to engage children in texts above their current reading age. Audio books can also help parents learn English and can be something you and your child can do together. Audio books demonstrate a clear model of English.
  • Speaking: speaking with your child at home is essential. There are many activities that can be carried out at home to encourage speaking such as barrier games, debating a point, interviewing a family member, even discussing a TV programme where you can predict the ending/ discuss the good and bad characters.

As a school we support children with English as an additional language  using the following strategies to ensure all children make progress and are supported in their learning.  

Teaching Strategies

  • Classroom activities have clear learning objectives and use appropriate materials and support to enable pupils to participate in lessons.
  • Key language features of each curriculum area, e.g. key vocabulary, uses of language, forms of text, are identified.
  • Enhanced opportunities are provided for speaking and listening, including both process and presentational talk, and use made of drama techniques and role play. Pupils have access to effective staff and peer models of spoken language.
  • Additional visual support is provided, eg posters, pictures, photographs, objects, demonstration, use of gesture.
  • Additional verbal support is provided, eg repetition, modelling, peer support.
  • Use is made of collaborative activities that involve purposeful talk and encourage and support active participation.
  • Where possible, learning progression moves from the concrete to  the abstract.
  • Discussion is provided before, during and after reading and writing activities.
  • Scaffolding is provided for language and learning, e.g. talk frames, writing frames.


  • Regular assessment takes place throughout the year using Nassea Language assessments which support children  with English as Additional Language to monitor progress in their spoken language.  Children who need support are then identified at an early stage and support and intervention can be put in place. 

Resources which may be useful linked to English as an additional language :

Books Trust - Reading with your child 3-4 years (Free tips and advice in more than 20 Languages)

 Books Trust - Reading with your child 4-6 years (Free tips and advice in 28 Languages)

 EDS - Advice for EAL families with children in EYFS & Preschool.pdfDownload
 EDS - Communication activities in any language.pdfDownload
 EDS - EYFS Communication activities in any language.pdfDownload
 Google Translate guide for EAL families.pdfDownload
 Home Learning Language Pack KS1 P1 (1).pdfDownload
 Home Learning Language Pack KS2 P1 (1).pdfDownload
 Home learning Language Pack Rec. (1).pdfDownload
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