Our Pupil Voice
Our Pupil Voice representatives help our children to have a greater say in matters that effect our school and learning environment. As well as our School Council we have several other committees in which children play active roles in helping to improve specific aspects of school life and our school environment. These committees include Eco-Council, Mini-Mentors, Digital Leaders and Play Leaders.
School Council - Led by Miss Weekes
The school council holds meetings every half term chaired by Deputy Head and SEND Lead Miss Weekes, to discuss and resolve any problems that may have arisen. These may be issues relating to lunch times, behaviour or new ideas to help improve our school and create a better learning environment.
Our school council representatives are
Year 1 - Louisha and Bailey
Year 2 - Marcel and Jorgie
Year 3 - Jake and Betty
Year 4 - Skylar and Jason
Year 5 - Lewis and Pixie
Year 6 - Kyle and Freya
Eco-Council - Led by Mr. Sanchez and Miss Sparkes
The Eco Council meet every half term to discuss how we can make our school more eco friendly. We look at how we can take care of our school and ensure that we are caring for the environment.
Our Eco-Council Representatives are:
Year 1 - Alfie
Year 2 - Skylah-Mae
Year 3 - Jessica
Year 4 - Joseph
Year 5 - Isabelle
Year 6 - Lucas
ECO Council are part of Stockport's Climate Action Change (CAN) Project.
This allows our children to be part of the agenda for climate action debate, engage with the democratic process through taking part in a pupils’ Council Chambers debate and will result in motions being presented by pupils at a Full Council meeting within Stockport.
Here is our Climate Action Ideas for 2022-2023.
St Thomas’ Climate Action Ideas
Mini-Mentors - Led by Mrs Lambert
The Mini Mentors' role is to be a friendly face on the playground. If a child is lonely, or needs someone to play with, they can ask the Mini Mentor and they will play with them or find them someone to play with. They also look out for children who look sad or lonely and make sure they have something to do or someone to play with.
Our Mini-Mentors are:
Year 1 - Myles
Year 2 - Maxie
Year 3 - Mylah
Year 4 - Thomas
Year 5 - Lilly
Year 6 - Lyla
Digital Leaders - Led by Miss Parker
Our digital leaders are a group of children from Years 4-6. They are responsible for making sure that they are knowledgeable about the different aspects of the digital world. These children also look after our school equipment to ensure that it is in the correct place and well looked after.
Our Digital Leaders are:
Year 4 -Poppy
Year 4 - Miles
Year 5 - Brian
Year 5 - Alex
Year 6 - Emily
Year 6 - Christina
On 7th February 2023, it was Safer Internet Day. Digital Leaders give us some feedback.
Computing Digital Leaders Safer Internet Day - Feedback from the children
Play Leaders - Led by Miss McCann
Our playleaders are all from Year 6. They have accessed training from our PE specialist teacher who works with Stockport SHAPES. This training has helped to enhance their knowledge and skills to be able to support other children at lunchtime on the playground. These children also support with school sports events and sports days.
Our Play Leaders are:
Year 6 - All children on a rota.