St Thomas' C of E Primary School

St Thomas' C of E Primary School

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  1. Parents
  2. SEND Support

SEND Resources and Support

SEND HUB for families and educational settings

We recognise that staying at home during this period of school closure is difficult and understand that parents and carers of children and young people with SEND may be facing additional challenging circumstances that are unique to their own personal situation. In response to this Stockport are launching a new SEND HUB to offer support to offer support and advice to families. This is being launched on the 12 May 2020. This can be reached on the following number 0161 217 6028 and pressing opt 2. You will be asked about your needs and current concerns. We will then look at how best to support you as a family during covid.

Please be reassured that Stockport SEND, Inclusion and Therapy Services are still working alongside schools and educational settings to offer help and advice when needed on issues affecting the SEND community, during this difficult period, This includes advice and support on,:

  • Strategies to manage changes to routine
  • Challenging sleep patterns
  • Supporting home learning
  • Behaviour
  • Communication difficulties
  • Children and young people with hearing and visual needs
  • Diet
  • Transition back to school
  • Sensory issues

The newly created SEND HUB is a multi-agency team working together to offer a central point of contact for families, professionals and young people, who are  0 to 25 and at any stage of the SEND process, to discuss any concerns in relation to a child or young person with SEND. You do not have to have an formal diagnosis to contact the HUB or have an EHCP in place.

Once you have shared your concerns, the SEND HUB team will work with you to provide support or signpost you to the best support options, guidance and information that is available.

How to contact the SEND HUB - Telephone: 0161 217 6028 and press opt 2.


Facebook group to join for advice/support

Stockport children's therapy services have a new facebook page.  It contains activities, advice, ideas etc. for SALT, physio, OT etc.

The page is Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Children's therapy services.

Parenting in Challenging Times - Support for parents/carers over the holidays and for preparing to return to school

Parenting in Challenging Times


Useful Websites for Speech and Language Ideas and Resources

 Speech Link - A brand new parent portal for ideas and games to help develop children’s understanding.

‘Tiny Happy People’ on BBC Website – Simple activities and play ideas to promote early development

Singing hands – Search for their videos on youtube for lots of nursery rhymes and popsongs with Makaton signs 

Makaton – Free downloads and resources with signs and symbols

Twinkl – click on parent hub portal –this is being offered for free at the moment-type in speech and language games for lots of activities and ideas.

Maths games to play at home

 Maths games to play at home.docxDownload
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Helping your child...literacy skills

 Helping your child learn table facts..docxDownload
 Helping your child read common words.docxDownload
 Helping your child with spelling homework.docxDownload
 Spelling - using letters to make common words.docxDownload
 Supporting your child with writing.docxDownload
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Helping to... Develop your Child's Understanding

 SALT ideas.docxDownload
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Free Apps and Websites

 Free apps at home.docxDownload
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Non Screen Activities

 non screen activities.docxDownload
 Pobble non screen activities.docxDownload
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